The brainchild of two children of the seventies, Trailercakes set out to bake up witty and delicious cupcakes that stir up feelings of nostalgia in every bite. After all, happiness is in the frosting. Trailercakes began their adventure in the cupcake biz selling out of an orphaned Airstream trailer they found in a field in the Midwest named Bubbles. Bubbles was quickly converted into at food truck style storefront and Trailercakes popularity exploded with consumers.
RANGE was asked to serve up a new website and create a retail space that embodied the Trailercakes brand and captured their unique customer experience. We baked up a branded environment that included a hip retail store design, signage, packaging, furniture and fixtures, custom display cases, Trailercakes merchandise, interactive kiosk and POS solutions. Even the shopping bags are sweet!